Reenacting the Fall

Beloved Kinney,

Last month, we highlighted a book called The Gospel According to Satan by Jared
Wilson. It’s a provocative title reminding us that the enemy constantly wants to feed us
lies that contradict the one true gospel. That’s what he does! His goal is to lead us away
from the truth.

As we’ve studied the book of Genesis, we’ve found that the fall of Adam and Eve into
sin happens in repackaged form over and over. In Genesis 6, “the sons of God SAW
that the daughters of man were attractive, and they TOOK as their wives any they
chose” (v2), just as Eve “SAW that the tree was good for food…she TOOK of its fruit
and ate” (3:6). In Genesis 16, Sarai, “TOOK Hagar…and GAVE her to Abram [her
husband]” (v3), just as Eve “TOOK of its fruit…and GAVE some to her husband” (3:6).

It is true of us today. Our sinning is a reenactment of the fall of Adam and Eve. Satan
has no new tactics. He feeds us lies and we still buy them! Listen to how Wilson puts it,
“…the lies we believe today…are not blatant. They are subtle. They make promises.
They seem plausible.” (The Gospel According to Satan, pg.XVIII)

Here is the list of lies (each with their own chapter) that Wilson addresses. I wonder
which one resonates most with you?

1) God just wants you to be happy.
2) You only live once.
3) You need to live your truth.
4) Your feelings are reality.
5) Your life is what you make it.
6) You need to let go and let God.
7) The cross is not about wrath.
8) God helps those who help themselves.

What’s the solution to spotting and fighting lies? Again, Wilson, “The Christian must
combat hellish lies with heavenly truths….This means every Christian must be a person
of biblical doctrine” (pgs.179-180).

Kinney, let us be a people committed to the Word! Immerse yourself in it. Talk about it
with each other. Engage in the preaching of it. That way, we can spot the lies of the
enemy and cling to the truth.

Pastor Josh