31 Days of Prayer regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Day 1 Focus: Personal trust in God - Psalm 31:14-15 Biblical Truth: All the circumstances of our individual lives are directed under God's rule.

31 Days of Prayer Devotions at Kinney Avenue Christian Fellowship

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April 9, 2020

Day 9 Personal trust in God

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: kinney Avenue 31 Days of Prayer Topic: 31 Days of Prayer Passage: James 4:13–4:15

April 8, 2020

Day 8 An awakening of hearts

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: kinney Avenue 31 Days of Prayer Topic: 31 Days of Prayer Passage: Psalms 107:28

April 7, 2020

Day 7 Protection for NHS workers

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: kinney Avenue 31 Days of Prayer Topic: 31 Days of Prayer Passage: Isaiah 40:28–40:31

April 6, 2020

Day 6 Grace to bear a good witness

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: kinney Avenue 31 Days of Prayer Topic: 31 Days of Prayer Passage: Isaiah 40:9

April 4, 2020

Day 4 Healing for those ill

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: kinney Avenue 31 Days of Prayer Topic: Personal trust in God Passage: Psalms 34:17

April 3, 2020

Day 3 Wisdom for Leaders

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: kinney Avenue 31 Days of Prayer Topic: Personal trust in God Passage: Proverbs 8:22–8:31

April 1, 2020

Day 1 Personal trust in God

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: kinney Avenue 31 Days of Prayer Topic: 31 Days of Prayer Passage: Psalms 31:14–31:15


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