June 25th, 2024

Kinney family,

As God continues to bless the families of our church with babies, many are thinking through what to name their child. They want a name that is unique, strong, and rolls off the tongue. In many cases they also want a name that means something; perhaps a virtue that their child will come to embrace. How often do you think about the fact that you didn't choose your name, it was chosen for you? 

When we consider who God is, there is so much we can learn just by studying his name. At the burning bush, God says to Moses, "Say this to the people of Israel 'I AM has sent me to you'" (Exodus 3:14). Church, we worship the great I AM, the one who is self-existent, self-sufficient, and unchanging. In other words, He is far beyond human comprehension. And yet, He is the one who has condescended to us in the person of Christ, taking on human flesh, in order to reconcile us to Himself, making peace by the blood of His cross.

I eagerly await this upcoming Sunday, where together we get to behold the great I AM together. 

In Christ,
