Our Mission 

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gives the church its mission. The primary goal of the mission Jesus gives is to make disciples, which, simply put, means that the church must tell people about Jesus and help people follow Jesus. Making disciples includes baptizing new converts, which implies evangelism and incorporation into local churches. Teaching means that the church is called to equip people to obey all that Jesus has called us to obey. 

Here’s how we summarize the mission Jesus has given us:

KABC exists to captivate the hearts of all peoples with the gospel of Jesus Christ by making disciples for the glory of God. 

We are after THE HEARTS of people.

The Bible teaches that the heart is the control center of who we are (Prov. 4:23; Matt. 15:18-19), and when a person’s heart is ruled by Christ, the person is ruled by Christ. We want to help people dedicate their entire lives to Jesus and not treat him as a “tack-on” to their lives. Moreover, our goal is not to make people more religious (going through the motions); we want them to know Christ personally.

We want ALL PEOPLES to know Christ.

The Bible pictures the church as a diverse group of people; not just one kind of people, but people from every ethnicity, language, nation, and background (Eph. 2:1-11; Rev. 5:9). Therefore, we do not limit our disciple-making efforts to certain kinds of people. We desire all peoples to know and follow Jesus. 


We are all about the gospel, since it is the gospel that is the power to save the lost and sanctify believers (Rom. 1:16; Col. 1:6-7). It is the gospel that we declare and preach to all peoples. To learn more about the gospel, click here

We pursue this mission TO THE GLORY OF GOD.

Our existence and mission as a church is all about God and his fame (1 Cor. 10:31). Our highest aim in all we do is to see God's glory put on display.

Our Values

At Kinney, we value everything God values as he's revealed in Scripture. But there are certain core values every church has, which reveal the kinds of things that are most important to any given local church. Below are the values we believe are emphasized in Scripture that we seek to reflect in what we value as a church. Each of our core values are centered upon and flow from the transforming work of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. 

Gospel Worship

Worship is not confined to one area of life or one form of expression. Scripture teaches that worship of God ought to permeate every area of our lives (Rom. 12:1-2). Moreover, worshiping God is not a means to another end; it IS the end. It is the ultimate reason for our existence! Therefore, all that we do, we do for the purpose of cultivating worship of the one true God as he has revealed himself in Christ. 

Gospel Truth

We want to present every member mature in Jesus Christ (Col. 1:28) as we grow in our knowledge of the gospel. Our goal is the teach that which accords with sound doctrine (Titus 1:9) so that our people are equipped to live out the truth of the gospel in their lives (Titus 2:10). Gospel Truth affects everything we do as a church. Whether it's preaching, praying, Bible study, singing, counseling, small group meetings, or conversations over coffee, we want every aspect of the life of our church to be fueled by sound gospel truth. (See What We Believe for more information.)

Gospel Fellowship

As Christians, we are not meant to live life in isolation. We need one another (1 Cor. 12:12-31). Therefore, gospel fellowship (or we can call it "discipleship") is essential. Gospel fellowship occurs on many levels: formal counseling, Bible study, meeting for coffee, prayer after a service, small groups, etc. As long as we are intentional to be transparent and point each other to Christ in our relationships with one another, gospel fellowship will occur. 

Gospel Mission

Every church must pursue the mission Jesus gave to his people (Matt. 28:18-20). Our desire is to be zealous in reaching all peoples with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether it's with our own family friends, neighbors, coworkers, or stranger we meet at the park, we desire for the members of KACF to make it part of their daily routine to share the gospel with unbelievers. Moreover, we desire to take the gospel to the nations...to places where Christ is not known (Rom. 15:20). We do this by partnering with like-minded missionaries in other parts of the world and by equipping and sending members of our own church to take the gospel to the nations.